Source code for

from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Type

from requests import request

from pydrag import utils
from pydrag.exceptions import ApiError
from pydrag.models.common import BaseModel
from pydrag.models.common import Config
from pydrag.models.common import ListModel
from pydrag.utils import get_nested

[docs]class ApiMixin:
[docs] @classmethod def get_session(cls) -> "AuthSession": # type: ignore """ Return the session from configuration or attempt to authenticate the configuration user. :rtype: :class:`~pydrag.models.auth.AuthSession` """ cfg = Config.instance() if not cfg.session: from pydrag.models.auth import AuthSession cfg.session = AuthSession.authenticate() return cfg.session
[docs] @classmethod def retrieve( cls, bind: Type[BaseModel], flatten: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[Dict] = None, ): """ Perform an api retrieve/get resource action. :param bind: Class type to construct from the api response. :type bind: :class:`~pydrag.models.common.BaseModel` :param str flatten: A dot separated string used to flatten nested list of values :param Dict params: A dictionary of query string params :rtype: :class:`~pydrag.models.common.BaseModel` """ return cls._perform( method="GET", bind=bind, flatten=flatten, params=params or {}, sign=False, stateful=False, authenticate=False, )
[docs] @classmethod def submit( cls, bind: Type[BaseModel], flatten: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[Dict] = None, sign: bool = False, stateful: bool = False, authenticate: bool = False, ): """ Perform an api write/update resource action. :param bind: Class type to construct from the api response. :type bind: :class:`~pydrag.models.common.BaseModel` :param str flatten: A dot separated string used to flatten nested list of values :param Dict params: A dictionary of body params :param bool sign: Sign the request with the api secret :param bool stateful: Requires a session :param bool authenticate: Perform an authentication request :rtype: :class:`~pydrag.models.common.BaseModel` """ return cls._perform( method="POST", bind=bind, flatten=flatten, params=params or {}, sign=sign, stateful=stateful, authenticate=authenticate, )
@classmethod def _perform( cls, method: str, bind: Type[BaseModel], flatten: Optional[str], params: Dict, sign: bool, stateful: bool, authenticate: bool, ): """ Orchestrate the request, error handling and response deserialization. :param str method: Http method POST/GET :param bind: Class type to construct from the api response. :type bind: :class:`~pydrag.models.common.BaseModel` :param str flatten: A dot separated string used to flatten nested :param Dict params: A dictionary of body or query string params :param bool sign: Sign the request with the api secret :param bool stateful: Requires a session :param bool authenticate: Perform an authentication request :rtype: :class:`~pydrag.models.common.BaseModel` """ data: Dict = {} query: Dict = {} if method == "GET": query = cls.prepare_params(params, sign, stateful, authenticate) else: data = cls.prepare_params(params, sign, stateful, authenticate) cfg = Config.instance() response = request(method=method, url=cfg.api_url, data=data, params=query) response.raise_for_status() body = response.json(object_pairs_hook=pythonic_variables) cls.raise_for_error(body) obj = cls.bind_data(bind, body, flatten) obj.params = params return obj
[docs] @classmethod def prepare_params( cls, params: Dict, sign: bool, stateful: bool, authenticate: bool ) -> dict: """ Perform common parameter tasks before sending the web request. * Filter out None values, * Set the preferred api format ``json`` * Add the api key, session or signature based on the state flags :param Dict params: A dictionary of body or query string params :param bool sign: Sign the request with the api secret :param bool stateful: Add the session key to the params :param bool authenticate: Add the username and auth token to the params :rtype: Dict """ cfg = Config.instance() params = { k: str(int(v is True) if isinstance(v, bool) else v) for k, v in params.items() if v is not None } params.update({"format": "json", "api_key": cfg.api_key}) if authenticate: params.update({"username": cfg.username, "authToken": cfg.auth_token}) if stateful: params.update({"sk": cls.get_session().key}) if authenticate or stateful or sign: params.update({"api_sig": cls.sign(params)}) return params
[docs] @classmethod def bind_data( cls, bind: Type[BaseModel], body: Optional[Dict], flatten: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Construct a BaseModel from the response body and the flatten directive. :param bind: Class type to construct from the api response. :type bind: :class:`~pydrag.models.common.BaseModel` :param Dict body: The api response :param str flatten: A dot separated string used to flatten nested list of values :rtype: :class:`~pydrag.models.common.BaseModel` """ if not body: return bind() data = body[next(iter(body.keys()))] if data and not isinstance(data, Dict): data = body if flatten is None: return bind.from_dict(data) keys = flatten.split(".") items = get_nested(data, keys, ensure_list=True) data.pop(next(iter(keys))) data.update({"data": [bind.from_dict(i) for i in items]}) return ListModel.from_dict(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def raise_for_error(body: Dict): """ Parse and raise api errors. :param Dict body: Response body :raise: :class:`~pydrag.exceptions.ApiError` """ if "error" in body: raise ApiError(**body)
[docs] @staticmethod def sign(params: Dict) -> str: """ signing formula for webservice calls. Exclude format, sort params, append the api secret key and hash the params string. :param Dict params: :rtype: str """ keys = sorted(params.keys()) keys.remove("format") signature = [str(k) + str(params[k]) for k in keys if params.get(k)] signature.append(str(Config.instance().api_secret)) return utils.md5("".join(signature)) # type: ignore
def pythonic_variables(data): convert = { "albummatches": "albums", "artistmatches": "artists", "trackmatches": "tracks", "startPage": "page", "trackcorrected": "track_corrected", "artistcorrected": "artist_corrected", "to": "to_date", "for": "user", "from": "from_date", "tagcount": "tag_count", "@attr": "attr", "#text": "text", "unixtime": "timestamp", "uts": "timestamp", "searchTerms": "search_terms", "opensearch:itemsPerPage": "limit", "opensearch:totalResults": "total", "toptags": "top_tags", "streamId": "stream_id", "albumArtist": "album_artist", "realname": "real_name", "recenttrack": "recent_track", "ontour": "on_tour", "num_res": "limit", "title": "name", "userloved": "loved", "opensearch:Query": "query", "perPage": "limit", "position": "rank", } # A list of fields that dont make make sense in the api responses # Either they don't always have the same value type or have a dev message fixme = [ "subscriber", "type", "scrobblesource", "bootstrap", "streamable", "ignoredMessage", "totalPages", # I can do the math "opensearch:startIndex", # I can do the math, "ignored", "accepted", "role", ] return {convert.get(k, k): v for k, v in data if k not in fixme}